Being in an accident is stressful to say the least. The insurance company for the person who caused the accident is not on your side. We deal...
Making sure your medical bills, out of pocket expenses, and lost income are recovered is a priority. We coordinate with your health care providers...
We put everything in writing. When you decide to have us represent you, we will explain everything about what you can expect and what we will do...
At Jacobs & Jacobs, there is never a fee for talking to us. We handle all cases on a contingency basis, which means if we don't recover anything for you....
We are a small family firm that specializes in personal service. We don't have 100 names on the doors and you can always reach us by email, fax, or phone....
We are not afraid to file suit if the offer to settle is not fair. While most of our cases settle before the need to file suit, sometimes it becomes necessary...