Wrongful Death


When a loved one suddenly dies, the results can not only be emotionally heartbreaking, but financially draining as well. It is hard to imagine somebody you love dying as a result of somebody else's negligence. In an instant a son is lost, a mother is gone, a family's income is reduced, and questions about the future become an immediate concern.

A wrongful death lawsuit can be brought for many different reasons. Most wrongful death suits are related to deaths resulting from automobile accidents. But wrongful death suits can also come from negligent medical procedures, the failure to diagnose a treatable disease or injury, injuries and accidents suffered on the job, falls, hit and run accidents, and many more. A wrongful death suit can be brought against anybody or any company whose negligence resulted in someone else's premature death.

If a loved one has died as the result of someone else's negligence, seek out the counsel of an experienced wrongful death attorney. You may be able to recover damages, expenses, and most importantly, the loss of companionship and guidance of the person lost, from the person or company responsible. Please call Rich or Jon right away and let them discuss your options with you.